About this Eris Thing Going On ~ 20 Apr 2020

So, we’re in the midst of the ongoing Eris-Jupiter (Aries-Capricorn) square cycle. One down (late March), two to go... 26 June & 17 November. As the first square took place, shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders became the norm. As if to inflame the Eris streak in us all, mandates defined rules for cutting out participation at golf clubs, conferences, festivals, funerals and the big one for Eris, weddings.

Last week as the Sun conjunct Eris conjunction crested, protests by individuals demanding their freedom, right to do as the wish, pandemic be damned filled out streets. Of course, many protesters fail to realize that while objecting with Venus in Gemini, wearing a mask and gloves to prevent exposure to the disease protested as fake news undermines their credibility.

Truly, there’s no better time to talk about the pandemic restrictions than now. On Friday, 24 April, Mercury moves into to exact conjunction with Eris. Mythologically, Mercury played a key role in Jupiter’s decision to correct what he perceived as political wrongs by recruiting Eris to aid in reversing the order of the heavens for one day to yield undeniable awe and perspective. I’m not suggesting that Friday is such a day. I am suggesting that pacifying proclamations or hard core decisions regarding to address those with “live free or die” agendas requested by the rabble rousers will occur. It is likely that many regions may reopen, in lieu of good sense, prematurely. On Friday, actual dates are likely to be announced for a wide variety of reopening scenarios.

What most people have in common currently is the feeling of being excluded from life. Conditions are such that best laid plans, agendas and goals cannot be manifest in the manner in which one would be inclined to pursue those aspirations. A sense of prohibition at large looms as an oppressive dome. Worse, the sensation of excluded from self... from the source of the soul can be aroused, and if aroused, interferes in ones methods, motives and well... magic.

The call of this time is to persist regardless. Look deep within and feel the angst that comes with the feelings of being restricted from the pursuit of happiness and success. What is it inside that yearns to be manifest!? That’s the source of the soulful nuclear core. Find it and feed and feed it well. There is not a lot of time before the “what did you do on your COVID quarantine” summons appears. When it does, those with hands up and creative fruit in place, advance, regardless of the material restrictions that remain.

As Venus in Gemini tiptoes toward her upcoming retrograde station, she manages to inch into a square to Neptune on 3 May. This is when the above summons makes its presence known. Now the likely immediate reply to the presentation of creative offerings will be, “Oh, I was looking for something more like x, y or z.” Fine. Venus retrogrades through the square again around the 20th of May. At that point, you get to present your revision, edit, re-edit, modification or perfected enhancement.

It is also important to consider that on 5 May the north lunar node enters Gemini (at 29 Ge 59). This marks a theme change in the collective karma out there. And it represents the promulgation of all things that seemed to be “good for the tribe,” whether tribe be those loveable folks who think like you, your family of origin clan, those who live in your geographic territory and are subject to similar COVID-19 considerations, or the world at large. Here we come off the last 18 months or so of tribal mentality and presumably enter a collective mindset that “we’re all on this planet and subject to its gravity and terms of viral spread.”

It’s an idea era that lasts until January of 2022. It’s an ingenuity and innovation era. Those at the commencement of this phase with the best ideas... many such ideas cultivated in quarantine... stand to lead the course ahead.

Speaking of course ahead, Mars plays notable roles later in May. On the 19th he conjoins the recently named dwarf planet, Gonggong, in Pisces. Here we should come to some definitive facts about the origins of COVID-19. Was it from one of those odd delectable pangolin critters? Or snakes? Or a wet market? Or a careless or evil-intending laboratory? No matter what the conclusion, Pisces shall present a plethora of conspiracy theories to indulge.

On the 24th of May, Mars advances to align with Ceres. Here, two things are likely: 1.) New pandemic rules will be in place based upon the consequences of the relaxing of restrictions; 2.) Some indication of what can be introduced into the human body as a cure or prevention gathers strong legs underneath it. This could be plasma treatments or a preliminary vaccine, or as Mars nears Nessus on 1 June, something of a combination. Given the aspects, of this time, modifications in the traditional approval process might be granted such that an accelerated implementation results... or at least something to offset the black market cures that will likely be abundant.

So, the immediate light at the end of the tunnel is creativity based. Polish your shtick and be ready to apply it!

More to come. It is not your imagination that I have been posting less. There’s way too much content out there in blogs, podcasts and other social media blast. More content that a person could assimilate in... God forbid... five quarantine intervals. So, I’m choosing to be more minimal with my SkyScrapings.